The Top 3 Disc Golf Discs for Playing Barboursville

#1. Barboursville has some long holes.

The world record for the farthest thrown object by a man is the Aerobie Pro, at more than a quarter mile. You can get the Aerobie for about ten bucks. Don't waste your money on any color but yellow--you'll regret it as evening sets in. The yellow is so bright it almost glows. Also consider: the ultra-thin profile of the Aerobie means that its visibility is limited to the receiver, if you intend on tossing it back and forth, which we recommend in the wide open spaces of Barboursville Park. The Aerobie Pro is our pick for the best driver for a couple of the longer holes in Barboursville, particularly the long straightaways of the first few of Barboursville's holes. Amazon has it here for cheap, with free prime shipping, but you can also find this at Dick's Sporting Goods and Hobby Lobby in Barboursville, too. If Amazon says "colors vary," don't buy it--you'll get a stupid green one that will vanish in the grass after a couple throws.

#2. Evening Play in Dark Barboursville

The best disc for evening and night play at the Barboursville Disc Golf Course is the Nite-Ize Red, a 195-gram standard disc with a flight remarkably similar to the Discraft standard. The Nite-Ize red comes in a lot of colors, including a color-shifting model. We recommend the red because it will not affect your night vision. We have used this on the Barboursville course, and we're here to tell you that it's a lifesaver. First, when playing in the evening hours, dark sets in a full two hours early along the wooded holes -- #3, #4 and #5 -- along the River Trail. Also, if you sling one off by mistake into the deep woods of the last nine holes, the light will help you find it. Finally, the battery compartment is waterproof, which you'll appreciate on several of the holes where water tends to collect--particularly the lowlands of hole #2, near the railroad tracks. We threw this disc smack into the middle of a water puddle one wet day, where it sat for five minutes before we could recover it. No damage--it worked like a charm after we dried it off. We prefer this disc over the Aerobie light up models because the flight path, grip and weight are far superior. We've used both in Barboursville, and the Nite-Ize Red is by far the best one. Here's a link at Amazon, where you can get it for moderately more than the Discraft standard. Barboursville's Dick's Sporting Goods also carries them, but good luck finding the red one. Most stores we've seen only carry the color-shifting model, which is a distraction in disc golf.

#3. Pure Head-to-Head Competition in Barboursville

The single best disc for even-steven competition is the Discraft UltraStar. We recommend the white. At 185 grams, it's the standard weight and feel from what you remember as a kid. It also has unsurpassed feel and flight path. You can find them cheap at Amazon. Dick's Sporting Goods in Barboursville also carries them--though you may find that Discraft has changed the image on the surface of the disc. Just make sure you look for the Discraft UltraStar. Get one of these for each competitor, and you'll have a pure way to find who the best throwers in your group are. You eliminate all the nonsense with the expensive, multi-disc collections of putters, fairway and woods discs, which are a bit silly. Just don't pay attention to the par ratings for each hole when you play head-to-head in this manner, because you won't be able to throw them as far as a dedicated disc golf driver. Amazon has it for cheap here.

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